EB-5 DevelopersEB-5 Program

Connecting To Chinese EB-5 Immigrant Investors

EB-5 immigrant investor

With over 80% of the EB-5 visas being allocated to EB-5 immigrant investors in China, it’s no wonder that developers, projects, and regional centers are constantly on the search for Chinese investors.

Is it possible to find EB-5 immigrant investors from China without using a Chinese EB-5 agency?

Yes, it is possible, but here’s why you wouldn’t want to go through that process alone.

In order to provide EB-5 services in China, brokers must be licensed through the Chinese Bureau of Entry and Exit Administration.

  • Without licensing, a broker is breaking Chinese law. Many developers and regional centers are unfamiliar with the requirements and licensing needed in China.

EB-5 brokers in China not only possess thorough knowledge of Chinese immigration laws, but are also trained in sales, marketing, finance, and business management.

  • They understand the nuances of marketing to Chinese investors.

EB-5 developers and regional centers may not be familiar with the language or culture of the investors.

  • Language and culture can present a huge barrier. If unforeseen processing delays occur during the EB-5 application or unexpected events happen during the project, Chinese EB-5 brokers can more effectively communicate with their clients. This communication creates trust and instills confidence in the investors.

    Additionally, an EB-5 broker can assist an investor with finding a project that will suit his or her preferences. EB-5 brokers work with multiple projects at any one time, offering clients choices. One investor may be more comfortable choosing a project in a certain sector because that’s where their knowledge and experience lies. They may also prefer larger or smaller projects.

    If a regional center marketed to EB-5 investors without an EB-5 broker, they may have a harder time finding investors for their particular project. Whereas, a broker, who already has a client, can recommend various projects and have a higher success rate.

Chinese EB-5 brokers determine the eligibility of their investors.

  • The main requirement for eligibility for the EB-5 program is that an EB-5 immigrant investor has the minimum funds ($500,000), and that this source of funds is from an easily documented lawful source.

Large Chinese EB-5 brokerage offices often have many industry contacts that generate numerous referrals.

  • Working with a variety of developers, regional centers, immigration attorneys, and investors, has given them a deep understanding of how the EB-5 Program works and the experience to know which projects are right for which clients.


Conclusion: While it’s possible for a developer to find clients by advertising, referral, or attending EB-5 conferences, not using a Chinese EB-5 broker may cause numerous problems down the line. An EB-5 broker will have the investor’s best interest in mind, whereas a developer or regional center may be primarily focused on their project. A broker helps match investors with projects based on a variety of factors and additionally they instill confidence and trust in their investors.



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