EB-5 Professional ResourcesEB-5 Program

EB-5 Professional Resources

EB-5 Professional

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The EB-5 immigrant investor visa program is a complicated and often times confusing process to go through and that’s why it’s important to have an EB-5 Professional help.

There is a tremendous amount of work involved, including:

  • Involvement with multiple government agencies in both the U.S. and the investor’s home country
  • Filing of paperwork, petitions, evidence, business plans, economic reports, and supporting documents.

To make this process go as smoothly as possible and file a successful EB-5 application, smart investors will take advantage of important professional resources.


The most important professional resource may be attaining professional legal counsel. An experienced and competent immigration attorney is critical to success. The immigration attorney will be the liaison between the EB-5 applicant and all the resource providers that will be working on the project.

What should an investor look for in an immigration attorney?

  • An immigration attorney who will present advice and legal representation on all matters of the EB-5 program.
  • They will counsel on all aspects of the I-526 petition process
  • They will prepare the necessary documentation and evidence.
  • They will provide representation before USCIS
  • They will provide liaison services
  • And any other legal support needed for the petition.


For a successful I-526 petition it is critical that the EB-5 investor prepare and submit a comprehensive and compliant business plan to the USCIS. This business plan must extensively describe the proposed business project and investment. Using an experience business plan preparation firm will raise your chances at submitting a successful petition.

There is a list of requirements that the business plan must contain:

  • Budget and financial projections
  • Personal experience
  • Description of business
  • Marketing plan and target market analysis
  • Business structure
  • Timetable for job creation and job descriptions
  • Required Licenses and permits
  • Competitive analysis

Everything in the above list must be included in the business plan. These must be presented to the USCIS in extensive professional detail. This often requires that a professional firm that is experienced in preparing complex business plans. If correct evidence to support the list are not including, the process for the petition could be denied or prolonged.

The information needed is to prove that the proposed business and business plan is credible. A business planning and preparation firm can also assist in creating an analysis proposed business’s market place. USCIS wants to see that a detailed market report will provide information on how the proposed business will market and differentiate itself.

A great business plan writer will know the requirements for successfully passing the USCIS’s scrutiny. They will provide more than enough detailed documents and evidence to support the proposed business plan to ensure the chances for a successful petition are as high as they can be.


EB-5 investors may want to use professionals to draft economic studies to document the potential economic impact and job creation of their investment in their business plan. A professional economist will be able to create reports proving that the EB-5 investor’s business plan will boost the U.S. economy and fulfill the requirement of creating at least 10 permanent full-time jobs.

These professionals know the jargon to create convincing cases and can use statistics and charts to back up their arguments. These professionals will build a solid case for the I-526 petition.

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